Masters in Energy Medicine (M.S. California Institute For Human Science, Encinitas, CA)
Education in Kinesiology, Biomechanics, Bodywork, & Injury Rehab (B.S. Cal Poly SLO, CA)
Healing sessions are designed to give you exactly what you are needing on a soul level, providing you with root solutions and optimally shifted energy. Many clients report feeling aligned, clear, relieved, centered and enjoy shifted life circumstances after sessions. During a session, we tune into your system’s higher intelligence and let it lead the way to your best outcomes. I use my extrasensory abilities and serve as the initial conduit to healing energy, messages, and your higher intelligence as you move past your blocks and blind spots making direct connection to yourself. Clients typically come in out of simple curiosity or for assistance through their awakening, to heal severe physical ailments, or to elevate their business, relationships or life experience. Sessions can include mental understanding and clarity, emotional release, past life clearings, ancestral clearings, perspective shifts, inner child healing, integration of fragmented parts, removal of miasms or darker energies, soul retrievals and many other options not listed. Each person is unique in the healing process so some require one session for their ailment or block to lift, while others require many sessions to experience a full and complete healing for that particular ailment or problem. The point of the healing sessions are to be fully unconditionally present to your being, to restore your connection to truth and to witness your soul unfolding without push or agenda, which I find leads to the best results. Looking forward to connecting and making your experience here more optimized, satisfying and supported.
23 years experience in the health and wellness industry
16 years experience in facilitating the healing of physical ailments and emotional traumas including severe cases
My healing Journey
Although I was born with extrasensory abilities and a strong connection to the other side, I didn't understand or welcome my psychic abilities until my mid twenties. In 2005 while I had my own health and wellness business, I was suffering with chronic fatigue and migraines 5-7 times per week. It was at this point I began working with a healer and in 2 years time was able to heal both issues completely. The physical healing was liberating and while I enjoyed my new sense of freedom, I actually was having much more satisfaction with my inner growth and shifts. The dissipation of depression, stored trauma, inner confusion and conflict as I aligned with my highest path and purpose was profound. I began receiving clear messages and more opportunities to help my clients heal, sometimes with pretty miraculous results. I watched a client with shattered bones completely heal in 2 sessions, I saw life threatening metastatic tumors completely heal along with countless injuries as well. I practiced for 8 years before getting my Masters degree in energy medicine as I wanted the healing energy and information to be untainted by outside influences or collective opinion. At one point, I was able to allow the healing energy to completely heal my own bone break before my surgery date as the pre surgery x-rays came back with no sign of injury. Today my clients come in for anything from assistance through their awakening or severe physical ailments to no specific problem at all, just wanting to elevate their business, life or experience here. I continue to heal, elevate and align within myself as get to watch my clients enjoy deep inner alignment and experience relief from suffering. Healings can be immediate and miraculous which is more rare or it can take much more time as we heal layer by layer, each person is unique in their journey. The key is to not have an agenda but to be present, to allow each soul to unfold as needed. Being able to see clients enjoy their improved life circumstances and inner world keeps me inspired. I know we are elevating the human collective consciousness and experience one session at a time.